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NRIN Annual Symposium

NRIN ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 Shaping a positive Research Culture at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs): needs, opportunities and challenges When? 25th October 2024 Where? Geerteker...

Training event on Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR) education in Brussels 17th – 18th October 2024

Training event on Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR) Education in Brussels - 17th – 18th October 2024 NERQ is happy to announce a Train-the-Trainer event in Brussels on 17th – 18th October 2024. The European Commission invites those who have j...

NRIN Happy Hours

NRIN Happy Hour The NRIN Happy Hour offers free monthly webinars on topics related to Research Integrity, Research Ethics and Responsible Conduct in Research. The webinars aim to offer...

1st Satellite Meeting of Research Integrity Networks

First Satellite Meeting of Research Integrity Networks The Netherlands Research Integrity Network (NRIN) and the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA – co-organiser of the 8th World Conference on Research Integrity) will be organis...

NERQ Reception at the WCRI in Athens!

NERQ Reception at the WCRI in Athens Are you attending the World Conference on Research Integrity (WCRI)? And are you interested in what the NERQ network has to offer you (and what you can offer to the network)? Come and meet the NERQ commun...

8th World Conference on Research Integrity - 2nd-5th June 2024

8th World Conference on Research Integrity  When: 2nd - 5th June 2024 Where: Megaron Athens International Conference Centre (MAICC), Athens (Greece) Where: Megaron Athens Interna...

Invitation to the National Research Ethics Meeting - ‘Research ethics across scientific disciplines’, 14th March 2024

Invitation to the National Research Ethics Meeting ‘Research ethics across scientific disciplines’ When: 14th March 2024, 12:30 – 17:00 Where: Utrecht Science park ...

NERQ (online event) Education and Research Quality – Expanding the Network

Since the network's launch in November 2022, people have joined the network and been active in various thematic groups (SIGs). On September 20, the network organizes an online half-day conference, to showcase it's activities, find inspiration to c...

SAVE THE DATE: Launch Dutch Reproducibility Network -October 27th, 2023, Amsterdam

This autumn the Dutch Reproducibility Network (NLRN) organizes a symposium to officially launch it's recent establishment. The central mission of the NLRN is to foster reproducible and transparent research across scholarly disciplines, b...

30 mei 2023. Dag voor VP's WI: lezing, training en intervisie (Dutch)

Jaarlijks organiseert het NRIN twee intervisiebijeenkomsten voor vertrouwenspersonen wetenschappelijke integriteit. Tijdens deze bijeenkomsten wordt er o.l.v. Em. prof. dr. Bert Theunissen (History and Philosophy of Science, Freudenthal Insti...